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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Personal data processing

This information is provided pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016 and the subsequent national adaptation legislation (hereinafter, collectively “GDPR”) and describes how the Azienda Agricola Tanca Barbarossa (indicated in the Data Controllers section “below, jointly in this information “Tanca Barbarossa“) collect and process the personal data of users or customers through its website (Site “), or more generally whenever an express reference is made to this Privacy Policy.

With the expression “personal data” we mean any information concerning a natural person, identified or identifiable.

Tanca Barbarossa may modify, supplement or periodically update this Information, also in consideration of any changes to the applicable legislation or provisions of the Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data. Substantial changes and updates to the Privacy Policy will be applied and brought to the attention of the interested parties as soon as they are adopted by updating the link to the Site Privacy Policy and by e-mail communication to registered users. In the event of changes that significantly affect the rights of the registered user, the communication will be made with reasonable notice.

Purpose of the processing

The data are processed for the following purposes. a) Based on the contractual need in order to:
  • manage orders and carry out related activities (eg: sales and after-sales customer assistance, communications with the customer on the status of the order, responses to their requests for information, payment management, etc. .);
  • manage users account in case of registration on the Site to use the related services;
  • develop invitations to participate in sales and commercial proposals;
  • allow accession to specific and additional services requested by the user from time to time (eg visits, courses, tastings or events that can be organized at the headquarters of Tanca Barbarossa);
  • manage product shipments and create waybills;
b) Based on the consent expressed by the user, collected from time to time specifically, in order to carry out market research, as well as contact the user and send commercial communications and promotional offers, in addition to the sending of the Newsletter described below, in relation to the products, services and / or events of Tanca Barbarossa, by SMS, telephone, paper mail or other means. Following a purchase on the Site, the user will receive the Newsletter relating to the products or services offered. The user’s right to oppose this treatment remains unaffected immediately
  • through the appropriate link at the end of each email,
  • by modifying his preferences from the “My Account” section on the Site,
  • by means of the contacts indicated below in the section “Rights of the interested” parties.
The above also applies to the sending of newsletters following the provision of data at the headquarters of Tanca Barbarossa, during events or in any case following a purchase. c) Based on the legitimate interest of Tanca Barbarossa, specifically:
  • for the analysis and improvement of its services;
  • or carrying out statistical and / or research and development activities, including by analyzing data from the use of services and products or consumer behavior;
  • in order to defend their rights during the course of judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings, and in the context of disputes arising in relation to the services offered;
  • in the case of extraordinary transactions, mergers, sale of business units, acquisitions, etc.
d) On the basis of the need to fulfill the legal obligations to which Tanca Barbarossa is subject. The provision of data for the purposes referred to in point (a) above, as necessary to initiate the sale and delivery of the products and / or services purchased or for registration on the Site is mandatory and the refusal to provide the personal data subject processing makes it impossible to perform the services requested in relation to the purchase of goods and services on the Site itself.

Categories of data processed

Below is a description of the categories of data that are processed:
  • Data provided directly by the interested party: all personal data entered on the Site (to proceed with online purchases or to register), or which in any case are provided to Tanca Barbarossa in any way. Examples of data provided directly by the interested parties are: the name; the address and telephone number. More generally, all the data provided to allow the execution of a purchase order, the carrying out of product searches on the Site, the compilation and use of the profile on the Site, the facilitation of the delivery of products with communication data relating to contact numbers or addresses (eg telephone, email, addresses), invitations to participate in sales, visits, etc
  • Data provided by third parties: these are all personal data that Tanca Barbarossa collects from other sources (eg postal service companies, couriers, data entry companies), to carry out its services. Examples of data provided by third parties are data relating to updates or corrections received during deliveries by couriers or transport partners or third parties, data on the web pages visited that we may receive from other commercial operators with whom Tanca Barbarossa could collaborate in some initiatives, the names of the recipients of the orders if different from the buyer
  • Data collected automatically: these are navigation data. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the Site acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is generally not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI notation (Uniform Resource Identifier) of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment.


A cookie is a small file sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser while using an Internet site. Cookies can be stored only for the time of use of a specific site (session cookie) or for a longer period of time and independent of the session (persistent cookie). Cookies work in conjunction with the content of the website and normally have the function of improving the usability and browsing experience on the web (technical cookies). Some types of cookies also allow you to know the content displayed, the choices selected and each use of the Site by the user. This feature also makes it possible to offer the most useful and relevant advertising to each individual user (profiling cookies). A website can use self-developed cookies (first-party cookies) or use cookies developed by third-party companies (third-party cookies). In addition to allowing easy use of the Site, Tanca Barbarossa uses cookies for various purposes, including:
  • identifying the user when logging in;
  • store the products saved in the shopping cart for their purchase;
  • avoid fraudulent use of accounts or in relation to payments;
  • profiling the user and then providing him with information on the products of his interest, or other content or personalized offers;
  • provide promotions, content, advertising related to the user and his preferences and to remember these preferences;
  • carry out market research;
  • improve the Site, the offer of Tanca Barbarossa products and their marketing, etc.
In particular, Tanca Barbarossa uses:
  • TECHNICAL COOKIES: These are cookies necessary for navigation as they allow correct use of the Site and its full functionality. They include cookies that allow the creation of a personalized account, access, content display in the chosen language at each access, recognizing which country the user is connecting from (and remembering this setting in future accesses), and order management. These cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the Site and their deactivation could affect the experience and the success of navigation. In particular, we use technical cookies for the following purposes:
    • for the management of dynamic web pages, for the geographical identification of users and for the management of last-accessed data;
    • to ensure the proper functioning of the web pages;
    • for the functioning of the forms (e.g. registration form for events and / or courses);
    • for the management of data relating to the amounts and products of the orders
Disabling cookies . The user can always decide to block, delete, disable cookies or other similar technologies through the settings of their browser or device. There are many different browsers: each different browser (and in some cases also each different version of the same browser) has its own procedure for deleting cookies. Cookie preferences must be set separately for each browser used, as the features and options offered may vary. It is therefore advisable to visit the support pages of your browser to obtain more information. The complete deactivation of cookies precludes many functions, and the correct navigation or display of the Sites or other web pages. Acceptance and Waiver of Cookies. At the time of the user’s first access to the Site and, in any case, until a choice is made, the user will be asked to provide his consent to the use of cookies. In particular, the consent will be considered provided with the continuation of navigation.

Recipients of the data

The data may be processed by third parties carefully selected for reliability and competence who act, as data processors, in the name and on behalf of Tanca Barbarossa on the basis of contractual agreements and specific instructions, as necessary or appropriate in order to carry out activities, including instrumental or ancillary, relating to the purposes of the data processing indicated in this information, the main of which consists in the supply of goods or services requested by the interested party (eg: postal services companies, couriers, data entry companies, who manage the marketing and the newsletter, etc.).

In any other case, except as provided for by the applicable legislation, personal data are not transferred and / or communicated to third parties outside the activities of Tanca Barbarossa

Data transfer to Countries not belonging to the EU

If personal data are transferred to countries outside the European Union, the transfers will take place in compliance with the provisions established by the GDPR in order to ensure an adequate level of protection. In particular, the transfers will take place through the conclusion of Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission, a copy of which can be obtained by means of a specific request to be sent to the contact details contained in this information.

Data retention period

As soon as the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected, Tanca Barbarossa will eliminate them, unless the law requires archiving obligations or if the user has not consented to the processing for a longer time or to their archiving. In particular, following the deactivation of the account or, for unregistered users, the completion of the order, Tanca Barbarossa will keep the personal data that are necessary to: – fulfill the requests of the authorities within their competences; – defend or assert any existing or potential claim; – manage any complaint regarding the contract or orders concluded. The retention period of the data necessary to achieve the aforementioned purposes is linked to the limitation period of a claim which in many cases is equal to 10 years. Tanca Barbarossa will retain personal data after this time has elapsed only when required to comply with legal obligations or in the event of extraordinary claims and complaints that reasonably require the personal data to be kept.

Rights of the interested parties

Under the GDPR, each user has the right to access their personal data and to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form. In particular, each user has the right to obtain access to their data from Tanca Barbarossa, as well as any information about the methods and characteristics of the processing.

In addition to the above, the user, in the cases provided for by law, has the right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used and readable format, as well as the right to transmit such data to another data controller without impediments.

In addition, each user has the right to obtain from Tanca Barbarossa the updating, rectification or integration of their data.

The user also has the right to have their personal data deleted as well as to limit the processing in the cases provided for by law.

Finally, each user has the right to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning him / her if the processing is based on the legitimate interest of the owner, as well as for direct marketing purposes.

The requests referred to in the previous points must be addressed to the contacts of the owners indicated in the section below.

Holder of the treatment

The data controller is:

Azienda Agricola Tanca Barbarossa,
in the person of Paola Barbarossa,
registered office in Case Sparse Località Rimedio
09170 Oristano

VAT number: 01227370952
PEC address,

which can also be reached from the Contact section of this Website.

Last update August 31, 2021.


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